Friday, January 13, 2012

funny fatties

I'm getting a bit sick of certain nasty individuals in their horrific ignorance slagging off
overweight people with wise little soundbites like 'they bring it on themselves' and
'they're just greedy'... do these judgemental holier than thous really believe that a large person
actually wants to be twenty or thirty of forty stone? that their hearts desire is to be unwieldly,
sweaty/smelly, unfancied, lonley, ridiculed, despised and ugly, that their deliberate ambition is to be  desperately unhealthy? and if the answer is yes, then why don't those saying these thingsslag off anorexics and filthy drug takers, who also wreak havoc with conscious actions and leave trails of painful devastation behind them? Amanda Platell the Daily Mail columnist is one of these ghastly self appointed , self important critics who deem obese people to be taking advantage of their fellow culpable as axe murderers...Amanda please realise that those  who are bigger are trying to fill a hole , a void (reflecting a feeling of unworthiness) with food, which is undeniably a drug of choice....just like alcohol...just like opiates and other drugs...just like anorexics getting high on controlling what they do no eat....just like gamblers....there are numerous life wrecking addictive behaviours prevalent in our society, so until you have the balls to disparage all of the above  to the point of inducing their suicidal tendencies, don't be a disgusting, spiteful, overgrown schoolgirl and just leave pudgy people alone!!!!By the way you're a toadying obsequious old baggage when it suits you aren't you???

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