Sunday, January 01, 2012


What will happen/we do not know.Euro crisis? ...result of
money printed (from nothing backed by nothing) issued by the Bank of England /Federeral
Reserve ...whatever bank...anyway.. that much loved fraternity 'The Bankers' (euphemistic term) but with
condition of interest attached.So: £10 has to be paid back with interest....
perhaps $10 and 50 cents... so theres a lot of money 'out there'....meaning
everywhere...but,... there is never enough money in circulation to pay back , at once, the debt
owed to 'The Bankers'.Of course exaserbated with outrages like sub prime mortgage frauds and derivative
fraud (might take slightly longer to explain) but now the banks have elected to circulate less money,
therefore debts cannot be paid back...even by entire countries, because there is insufficient money
in circulation to do so....doesn't assist that living beyond one's means is or has been so fashionable
for a while now.Economic disaster not understood by ANYBODY but the above is my crude guess at one of it's causes.....Heavy?..apparentley we aint seen anything yet!! Happy new year!!
2012 will bring changes,spiritual predominantley, for the human race apparentley long awaited..
only just read  this...but do hope it's true..only because living in the vacuum of
' ...soap...dinner...smug gossip... disappointing sex...broken sleep...'
becomes destructive to who we are supposed to be..
Why are cats(mongrel) hated? They are clean independent and devastatingly beautiful,healthy mostly, cheap to feed ,deflea and deworm..affectionate.. interesting..and unlike caged inferiors like guinea pigs and rabbits dont create shiity cages and vets bills ,dont require specific 'runs' in the garden, and unlike smelly caged inbred inferiors,cats can talk to you, the others simply cannot communicate in any way and die after about a year os so. even the most feral cats are interested in us..whoever achieved meaningful eye contact with a stinky and pointless guinea pig???.why keep as a time consuming 'pet'some unfeeling, short arsed, short living, vet fee inducing pathetically pale smelly shadow of the feline warriors we denigrate by the collective label of 'cats'?
... Taking decs down tomorrow...survived the blood  relatives (the worst by far) and the inlaws without incidence this time...hope the same is true for you dear valued reader...

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