The Alan Sugar ego trip known as The Apprentice is back very soon after the last one. Is it just me or is anyone else getting a bit sick of seeing his eminence alan repeating himself in manner of duracell loaded bore bumming on about how brilliant his business acumen is, how fabulous his instinct, how much cleverer he is than every one else…how he’s always surrounded by over educated fools..how in 1922 against a backdrop of hovis music, a diet of snot sandwiches and wearing size 12 tap dancing shoes he invented capitalism.. .habitually accusing people of underestimating him…talking himself up as God’s deputy for innovation..while setting the same crappy tasks as last year and the year before that…and the hilariously reverent and ridiculous“morning lord sugar…3 bags full sir alan… how high exactly your gitship?” intoned by 16 disgusting little creeps ready and willing to lick between his crusty old toes in exchange for 2 minutes on the telly. And his two sidekicks! How toe curling are they? We need a new word for obsequious!!
And I’m sick that the ‘prize’ of becoming an apprentice has not been exposed as the disingenuous codswallop it plainly is. Why are the previous winners
(there must be about 3 thousand of them aren’t we on the 2 millionth series..feels like it!! ) not telling the truth? Because the cold blooded creature wearing alan’s body would sue them to penury…they can’t be honest and admit the prize is in fact a big piece of fiction, because alans legal dept specialise in the issue of violent legal threats to protect his reputation, it doesn’t assist matters that none of the winners possess the necessary appendages to challenges alan…to remedy their lack of courage I’ve suggested they join the spine donors’waiting list, that is apart from the radiant Stella….who has identified alan for what he is…a bully and a shameless showoff who loves to be surrounded by fawning obsequious shits just like this years typical crop of wannabe candidates. I hope she sues the **** out of the old bugger…because no one is entitled to be quite that full to overflowing of himself.
(there must be about 3 thousand of them aren’t we on the 2 millionth series..feels like it!! ) not telling the truth? Because the cold blooded creature wearing alan’s body would sue them to penury…they can’t be honest and admit the prize is in fact a big piece of fiction, because alans legal dept specialise in the issue of violent legal threats to protect his reputation, it doesn’t assist matters that none of the winners possess the necessary appendages to challenges alan…to remedy their lack of courage I’ve suggested they join the spine donors’waiting list, that is apart from the radiant Stella….who has identified alan for what he is…a bully and a shameless showoff who loves to be surrounded by fawning obsequious shits just like this years typical crop of wannabe candidates. I hope she sues the **** out of the old bugger…because no one is entitled to be quite that full to overflowing of himself.