I am a deeply ordinary person who meets and deals with lots of bods…I work in the law and have to do with a huge cross section of souls every day… have kids and run a football team…I’m out and about all over the place…
and I have discovered that every single person I have encountered in the last 6 months wants the Olympics as much as they covet severe illness or bankruptcy!!
Its worse than that actually…they (people …the democratically represented population of this esteemed land in case you’re wondering
Mr Cameron and your shower) are preoccupied with survival to such an extent that they couldn’t give a proverbial about the damned useless stupid Olympics…SPORT?? FAIR PLAY? NATIONAL PRIDE? DON’T MAKE
THEM BELLY LAUGH!! The public putting it mildly have at best in their ambivalence barely noticed the ridiculously expensive preparations (save for those who live in the wrong place and are not only subsidising the proceedings but have the operation shoved in their faces and schedules daily) at worst they are furious…livid at the expense, the disgusting self congratulation of the organisers, the stinking corporate takeover, the contempt shown to the
citizens of this country .The entire initiative is a bloated obscenity and has morphed with deliberate intention into rip off of the century… Incidentally who asked the British public what they want? They were not consulted …the politicians obviously think it has nothing to do with the
stupid riff raff who are paying for this greedy vain project…
But it’s not all gloom and doom is it? As long as the insufferable Dame Kelly Holmes and Smug Sebastian Coe have jobs for life then that’s alright!!!