Monday, May 21, 2012



I am a deeply ordinary person who meets and deals with lots of bods…I work in the law and have to do with a huge cross section of souls every day… have kids and run a football team…I’m out and about all over the place…
and I have discovered that every single person I have encountered in the last 6 months wants the Olympics as much as they covet severe illness or bankruptcy!!
Its worse than that actually…they (people …the democratically represented  population of this esteemed land in case you’re wondering
Mr Cameron and your shower) are preoccupied with survival to such an extent that they couldn’t give a proverbial about the damned useless stupid Olympics…SPORT?? FAIR PLAY? NATIONAL PRIDE? DON’T MAKE
THEM BELLY LAUGH!! The public putting it mildly have at best in their ambivalence barely noticed the ridiculously expensive preparations (save for those who live in the wrong place and are not only subsidising  the proceedings but have the operation shoved in their faces and schedules daily) at worst they are furious…livid at the expense, the disgusting self congratulation of the organisers, the stinking corporate takeover, the contempt shown to the
citizens of this country .The entire initiative is a bloated obscenity and has morphed with deliberate intention into rip off of the century… Incidentally who asked the British public what they want? They were not consulted …the politicians obviously think it has nothing to do with the
stupid riff raff who  are paying for this greedy vain project…
But it’s not all gloom and doom is it? As long as the insufferable Dame Kelly Holmes and Smug Sebastian Coe have jobs for life then that’s alright!!!


56 UP

Credit to the makers that this fascinating experiment spanning 49 years has not thus far been abandoned.
What a privilege to be allowed to follow these ordinary individuals for a sustained period of history….our acquaintance with these children from adolescence and young adulthood through to middle age frequently outlasting
other relationships…. (who the hell keeps in touch for 50 years or more in these transitory days of instant gratification?...Not me that’s for sure..when anybody gets on my nerves that’s it!! they are immediately exorcised from my diary….)
This fascinating documentary is a poignant and niggling reminder of
what we don’t want to refer to and what we deliberately spend our lives avoiding, what we wilfully ignore with all our resistance…the reality of our mortality…
Less profoundly it appears this peek into the existence of people we will never meet satisfies an innate need to nose into the lives of others…guilt free…without the stigma of being caught gossiping…. and without the need to invite some of the more complex characters home for tea (Neil might not be much fun in between edited highlights…and how would you get rid of them and pretend to care simultaneously?...start yawning furiously while fetching their hat and coat ?)
These priceless films depict the happiest of the subjects as loved and cherished…it does seem sadly and inevitably that the unloved are the melancholy among us (No mum or dad or sibling or mate to speak up for Neil…to register that he is esteemed in any way)…perhaps we should take more care to remember that a child needs to be filled with much love and effort for that child to in turn give love and effort back to society.
It’s a shocker that this beautiful entertainment continues…I wouldn’t have bothered to express even mild surprise if the insipidness of X-Factor and all the other dross had strangled this lonely gem…but it endures…a miracle in these days of vacuous rubbish blaring out ubiquitously from most screens and loudspeakers.

Thursday, May 10, 2012


The Current State of Childrens’ Entertainment
May 2012

My children (including the 16 year old street accredited dude) love…love…LOVE.. ‘Little House On The Prairie’…this is a fiercely protected secret….something about the wholesome stories … the absence of sex, sexual innuendo, profanity and gratuitous violence means we must never tell the general population of our indulgence for fear of ridicule and scorn…
Isn’t it a shame that entertainment aimed at those of tender years
has morphed from the elegant and magically quiet charm of
‘Bagpuss’ or the delightfully imaginative ‘Fingerbob’ or ‘Mr Ben’( if by
Magic) to offensively loud lurid productions ill concealing a marked lack of story character and plot. It’s a lot less effort to pump out this candy coated sewage than to produce meaningful satisfying screenplay…much easier for the maniacs in charge today to replace timing, rhythm, and skilful tale telling with startling (sore ear drum inducing) noise and weird animated oddity. Take the latest ‘’Puss in Boots’’ it should have captivated the audience….I tried hard to enjoy the thing for the sake of my son…but couldn’t avoid spending the entirety of the DVD in a state of disengaged stupor ( it seemed days longer than the advertised 89 minutes) and the violent opticals (all the shifts up down sideways diagonal vertical AT 1000mph accompanied by subliminal flashes)….….made me feel bilious. The animation  was horribly disjointed dark and characterless…and yet here’s the curious thing: the children were held in a trance … they were slack jawed and unresponsive rather than moved and captivated as they would have been with superior material of bygone days( caused by the banging around , mad disconnected flashes, and psychotropic assaults on their young eyes….) The Sound Of Music cheesy as I suppose it is….or Mary Poppins….at least contained loveable characters…nice dialogue….and exquisitely pleasant melodies…the utterly dreadful ‘Nanny McPhee’ on the other hand apart from being a shameless rip off of sound of music and mary poppins (Nanny McPhee: odd nanny….7 bratish kids….hopeless single father….same era…rubbish step mother….blah blah blah….) was just bad entertainment…the characters were cardboard cut outs, the story was a fraud…and the ‘music’was tuneless and unnecessary and served only to send the index finger flying in search of the volume minus button to quell the relentless boom boom boom …. even Colin Firth trying his best to look sexually attractive couldn’t rescue it…the verdict is ; not nice at all…. exploitative and cynical…..and worst of all very boring…
and don’t start me off on the disgusting little masters and madams of American
tv who look more sexualised than Jordan and for whom we need a new word to describe their pathetic precocity .
Three cheers for ‘Little House on the Prairie’

Sunday, May 06, 2012


I’m so bored with over the hill female celebrities who proclaim their
smooth complexions are the result of virtuous living with lashes of h20
and copious sleep….exhibit a : Kylie Minogue…lets face it love if you were
suddenly transported back to the middle ages you’d be lucky to
still be enjoying your own teeth let alone cavorting around nearly naked ‘in concert’
singing not very good songs not very well and pretending to be 23. Let me remind you darling… an entire generation seperates you from that age…Don’t you think it’s time to hang up the facial scaffolding kit and
call it a day…. shouldn’t you have done the natural thing and had a couple of kids
by now??? (the oldest of which could be 24 by now …even more reason to move over and let younger prettier people who actually have some talent have a day in the sunshine Kylie!!!)
…And that ridiculously plastic stepford type car advert you’ve just done…how on earth can you say your highly suspended eyebrows and wrinkle free frozen visage are natural at you advanced age…how daft do you think we are???
The other one is that miserably haggard Victoria Beckham…
more luck than an entire population and she still radiates discontent…
I suppose at least she maintains silence on her many cosmetic props and adjustments….at the same time starving her heart muscles to death….
I don’t think she smiles because it cracks up the gloss and filler…
and should she happen to grin spontaneously and without self consciousness
(first time for every phenomenon) she might just appear as ordinary as she is rather than lending herself the appearance of an anorexic and generically featureless shop dummy. And what exactly is her talent??...oh yes I keep being reminded afterall…
she’s quite fertile… Something which reproves itself every time her other career paths
don’t blossom…so please don’t think we haven’t noticed that Vickie!!
And how about that new wife of Daniel Craig’s? Rachel weizt is it?...
She is well, WELL into her forties and has remained untouched by the
effects of gravity and sunlight…(I’d expect a few more furrows than that hurtling towards 50 as she is!!) Makes me laugh that she’s been cast as the unfaithful middle aged woman in the brilliant play ‘The Deep Blue Sea’ ….the character leaves her High Court Judge husband for a younger feckless model who doesn’t love her back…
… bitter disappointment must be demonstrated by the actress who wins this role…how in this universe is Weizt going to move an audience (with her despair at a certain age) when she has the immovable and carefree countenance of a Cabbage Patch Doll???



Saw a sliver of THE BRITS last night…I’d like to stress by accident,
whilst cleaning  around my hypnotised 16 year old who was surrounded by
cups, bowls, empty coke bottles and other detritus of his continuous consumption…
Had the honour of viewing Rhianna ungraciously thanking Big Corporate
for her sleazy award…(how indescribably sickening to witness a person of her low gutter calibre celebrated and applauded)….don’t recall the exact category of her award…perhaps and quite rightly it was for filthiest seediest lyrics…or perhaps she won because of her contribution to teenage pregnancy or STD stats…not sure…but this ordinary and immodest young woman proceeded to high five a few execs and, full to overflowing of herself, mouth a few detached gratitudes to the industry….curiously she didn’t thank her
child based fan club upon whom she regularly bestows pornographic
images through her dull depressing and obscene material….perhaps the award was for her
indispensable role of remote paedophile, given  her corrupting influence
what else could it be for??? The ‘’songs’’(a dignified collective title for
the sewage she pumps out )…  delivered in her name are a dragging commentary on the act of perverted sex ie ‘sticks and stones may break my bones but chains and whips excite me’…and if they are not pornography then they are a chewing a brick monotone (what a tedious voice, what tuneless flatlining records) droning on about sexual infidelity ‘you’re only sorry because you got caught.blah blah blah.’…entirely unsuitable for any human being to listen to for pleasure…certainly not 8 year old babies and vulnerable young children…surely the perverted sex which is her material, should be kept well away from innocents and confused teenagers…and sex in general should be a private and special phenomenon…not a subject for Rhianna to cheapen society with for corporate bucks…
At best her performance (this includes showing off her crotch and general gyration) kills romance and joy and the thrill of unrequited love and inspires instead sordidness and hatred and obsession with body parts and copulation…not nice.
Rhianna or whoever she is should be arrested and imprisoned for damage inflicted on our society in the name of  profiting from the destruction of morality. But what the hell!! Lets all enjoy her success…let her and the rest of the music industry ruin our young…afterall it’s our fault the likes of her are all over our media and in the face of every child in Britain stealing their virtue and putrifying their young minds with the filth they so delight in marketing…